Select Your Role
What is your user role in this journey?
Your Contact Info
Enter the following information into the fields below.
Select Your Desired Policy
What policy are you requesting a quote for?
Ineligible for Special Enrollment
You do not qualify for ACA Special Enrollment at this time. Please contact if you need more information.
All fields are required unless indicated by (optional) next to the field label
Section 1 - Requested Effective Date & Service Requested
For an Open Enrollment ACA Policy Placement request with a February 1st effective date:
- RUSH FEE #1 $250 - BEGINS Wednesday, January 8th, 2025 (Exception - CA, NJ, RI - Rush fee #1 for these state starts 1/23).
- RUSH FEE #2 $500 - BEGINS Monday, January 13th, 2025 (Exception - CA, NJ, RI - Rush fee #2 for these states starts 1/27).
New York and Washington DC (March 1st Effective Date) Rush Fees will begin 1/23.
Section 1 - Has the Gestational Carrier begun taking IVF Injectable Medication?
Ineligible for Short Term
At this time, the Gestational Carrier will not qualify for a Short Term Policy. Please contact us at for additional options.
Section 2 - Requested Effective Date
Section 3 - Who will be responsible for ART Risk's one-time service fee?
Section 2 - Who will be responsible for ART Risk's one-time service fee?
Payment method will need to be collected. We will reach out to the intended parent(s).
Payment method will need to be collected. We will reach out to the attorney.
Payment method will need to be collected. We will reach out for that information at a later date.
Section 4 - Who do you anticipate paying the binder (first month's premium)?
Section 3 - Who do you anticipate paying the binder (first month's premium)?
* If insurance carrier requires gestational carrier to pay binder, I understand she must have funds available at time of application.
Please note: If you are using SeedTrust as the binder payment method, select Gestational Carrier as the payer.
Please note: If you are using SeedTrust as the binder payment method, select Gestational Carrier as the payer.
Payment method will need to be collected. We will reach out to the attorney.
Payment method will need to be collected. We will reach out to the intended parent(s).
Payment method will need to be collected. We will reach out for that information at a later date.
Payment method will need to be collected. We will reach out for that information at a later date.
Payment method will need to be collected. We will reach out for that information at a later date.
Section 5 - Current Insurance
Section 4 - Current Insurance
Does gestational carrier have ANY other health insurance coverage in place as of today (this includes employer health, state-sponsored, TriCare, and/or individual coverage)?
Has this policy been reviewed by a professional?
Section 6 - Gestational Carrier Information
Section 5 - Gestational Carrier Information
Section 7 - Intended Parent Information
Section 6 - Intended Parent Information
Is gestational carrier matched?
Intended Parent #1 Info
Intended Parent #2 Info
Section 7 - Delivery Information
Is there a preferred delivery hospital?
*If no, I understand that a delivery hospital will need to be chosen from in‐network hospitals after effective date.
Is there a preferred OB?
If no, I understand that an OB will need to be chosen from in‐network providers after effective date.
Section 8 - Products (optional)
Section 9 - To whom shall we send the quote?
Section 10 - Please provide any additional information that would be helpful in guiding you through this journey (optional)
Sign Payment Authorization Forms
Please review and sign the following payment authorization form(s). Once all forms are signed, Click the Request Quote button below to complete the quote request process.
One Time Service Fee Authorization Form
Please sign the following authorization form for the one-time service fee:
One-Time Service Fee Authorization Complete!
Binder Fee Authorization Form
Please sign the following authorization form for the binder fee:
Binder Fee Authorization Complete!